In America’s heartland, growing corn for ethanol fuel feedstock is almost as good as planting a money tree right now. Driven by a carbon-constrained world and need to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil, are we setting ourselves up for a corn constrained world? A CNN article states the U.S. will grow more corn in 2007 than any year since World War II. The driver for this boom in corn production is ethanol fuel whose main feedstock is corn.
The story of ethanol is just beginning in the U.S. Demand for ethanol fuels are growing. President Bush has proposed that the U.S. reduce its total gasoline consumption 20% by 2020. To achieve this goal President Bush recommends displacing gasoline, in part, with ethanol. But what is the true cost and risk associated with a biofuel like ethanol?
I’m all for biofues, creating jobs and enhancing our energy security - but at what expense and future risk? For example, increased production of corn for ethanol will displace other agriculture commodities like soybeans and wheat. As a result the consumer

There are many unanswered questions surrounding alternative transportation fuels, particularly ethanol. As this industry plays-out we will watch with a careful eye to what’s working and what is not. A larger “systems view” of global climate change, natural resources, food and energy production and equity needs to align with societies evolving greed for what’s green. If we only succumb to meeting our short-term “fix” we will misguide future generations.
Many companies have realized this and are searching for better solutions.
The path to growth of many leading executives in our AHC Group ( network involves a dashboard that includes so many variables it’s almost impossible to navigate where to go. However, the companies that are leading the way toward a more sustainable world have figured out that one simplified formula can lead them in the right path: population growth + rate of consumption + efficiency of our machines = pollution and climate change. So, with this formula in mind, corporations from GE, Boeing, Starbucks, Wal-Mart, Siemens, Tom’s of Maine and Dell are simplifying their dashboards, and setting a course for action while they search for new solutions to minimize their environmental impact.
The story environmental business expert Bruce Piasecki tells in his World Inc. is rich with these complexities and tangible examples of what has worked when sustainability is integrated into the core business of small and large corporations. In reading World Inc. it becomes apparent, that while we live on a finite earth – the opportunities for creating better products and a better world are infinite.
Mark C. Coleman
Senior Associate, AHC Group, Inc.